AI policies and governance: What GCs need to know

AI is everywhere, but what do in-house legal teams need to know as it relates to the real-world risks and opportunities?

Sally Mewies, Partner, Regulatory & Compliance
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An image of a cyborg hand and pen writing a document, a visual metaphor for the topic of this article, AI policies and governance

2023 was the year when artificial intelligence captivated the world, and we haven’t stopped talking about it. With recent rapid developments in AI technology, the possibilities are seemingly endless. For in-house lawyers, navigating through all the hype and working out practically where to begin and how best to manage the risks for the business, can be a daunting prospect

Sally Mewies, partner and head of the technology and digital group at Walker Morris, explains the risks of AI and what’s needed for an effective AI policy and governance framework.

Find out more by reading our full piece for The In-House Lawyer magazine here.

“With recent rapid developments in AI… navigating through all the hype… can be a daunting prospect.”

- Sally Mewies, Head of Technology & Digital
An image of a cyborg hand and pen writing a document, a visual metaphor for the topic of this article, AI policies and governance