Supporting dispute resolution and litigation

Nobody wants to fall out, but sometimes it’s unavoidable. Sometimes you have to be in the driving seat of litigation. Sometimes you’re unavoidably a passenger.

We’ll try and avoid conflict becoming a formal dispute whenever you want us to and wherever we can. Right from the start, we’ll develop a clear strategy with you, identifying and analysing risk.

Our role is to optimise pressure points and find opportunities to resolve the dispute. We make decisions based on the outcome you need, and we don’t lose sight of costs. We’re mindful of early dispute resolution and we’re fortunate to have accredited mediators in our team.

Sometimes, though, that next step can’t be avoided. Commercial disputes are a natural consequence of the complex world we work in. When stakeholders are working together towards a common objective, it can be incredibly rewarding. When conflicts arise and interests diverge, it can feel uncomfortable and stressful.

Our experts spend all their working lives handling disputes. They’ll help you make those judgment calls about where the real risk lies and the best option for you – in among the noise of an adversarial situation. They’ll stand in front of you to deal with opponents when you ask them to, and they’ll stand next to you when managing internal expectations.

Our experience is diverse. The team will work with you on advisory work and guide you through the full range of formal disputes including litigation, arbitration, expert determination, adjudication and mediation.

Whatever the right outcome is for your business in a given situation, we’ll get there.

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