Illuminate publication: January 2025

Welcome to the 4th edition of our Illuminate publication.

Each edition tackles the issues that matter to you most. We’ll be providing interviews, actionable guides, and resources on key topics – giving you the confidence to speak and act, no matter what’s on the agenda.

Stuart Ponting, Partner, Regulatory & Compliance
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In this edition we:

  • Offer practical advice to address ESG in your supply chain.
  • Look beyond basic ESG compliance and how GCs can lead the charge.
  • Dive into how your law firm can help to integrate ESG into your businesses effectively – starting with ‘E’.
  • Share an interview with Kunaal Wharfe, GC at Leeds Bradford Airport, on the role a GC plays in implementing ESG strategies.
  • Present our Five in 5 which shines a light on key priorities for GCs and in-house teams.