Implementing digital transformation and embracing emerging opportunities

Technology is revolutionising our businesses at an ever-increasing speed. Innovation brings with it a heap of benefits including efficiencies, growth and increased competitive advantage.

Supporting digital transformation

Digitalising business models and investment in technologies such as automation, AI, and the cloud are currently at the forefront of boardroom conversations. Digitisation of business isn’t new, but accelerating developments in these technologies mean new opportunities, untapped possibilities and, of course, associated risks.

Digital transformation is nothing new

This is where our Technology & Digital team steps in. We’ll make sure that you put the right contracts in place for your business. We’ll help you to protect your data and safeguard your intellectual property. And we’ll be on hand to deal with breaches, or disputes – should something go wrong.

Technology: demystified

Along the way, we’ll demystify an area that doesn’t have to be as complicated as it sometimes seems. We’re specialists in edge technology and our work is usually related to the development, implementation, or operation of innovative services or products. We can talk about it in a way that suits how tech-savvy your team or your organisation is.

We’ve developed training in areas that in-house lawyers tell us their teams are nervous about — negotiating technology contracts, the legal issues surrounding generative AI and managing data.

Our goal is simple — to enable your business to harness the full potential of technology while navigating potential legal challenges, making your digital journey a successful and secure one.

Digital transformation: Are the legal implications of cloud, automation or AI keeping you up at night?

We recently asked 500 GC’s for their thoughts and experience surrounding digital transformation.

Access our report to find out:

  • Which technologies in-house lawyers need to know about.
  • Which technologies to prioritise and where to start.
  • What the legal challenges are and what general counsel can do to navigate them.
  • Our top tips for a successful digital transformation.
  • What training they believe they need to get to grips with the latest technology in their business.

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